We need a funnel when we need to sell our product or service online without or with very little manpower engagement.

What are the things we need to create a funnel?

A landing page.

A landing page can be created in many ways.

>> We can buy domain + hosting and install WordPress on it and design a landing page using a page builder plugin like Elementor.

>> We can also create a landing page without any domain and hosting. This can be possible from any email marketing tool or CRM.

Examples of email marketing tools are Mailchimp, klaviyo, mailerlite, Aweber etc.

Example of CRM:
GoHighLevel (97 USD /M), HubSpot, salesforce etc.

Why should we use a CRM?

To create an automated funnel that sells and generates revenues automatically we need multiple software that provides the solution.

A CRM can be your all-in-one platform for all the tools below.

1. Social media lead ad. (Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin).
2. Landing page visit (domain + hosting + SSL + professional email + design fees).
3. Google Ads
4. Appointment booking software like Calendly. (12 USD /M)
5. Email marketing tool.
6. SMS marketing tool. Twilio (15 USD / M)
7. WhatsApp Marketing. AiSensei 10 USD / M
8. Automated Voice.

For example:

Lead Generation:

There are two types of lead generation. one, we can capture leads using Facebook / LinkedIn lead forms. This generates maximum results. However, you will find the quality of the lead won’t be good.

In the Facebook lead generation form, there are ways to generate maximum lead by making the form very simple and asking only name, phone and email. But it will reduce the quality of them.

There is another way to generate qualified leads by complexing the form. And asking multiple questions.

This can increase per lead cost 10X times. But we will get only the quality leads.