Facebook ads for contractors

Facebook ads for contractors: The ultimate plan for contractors

Facebook ads have been one of the most effective ways for people at home to advertise their services. This platform is pretty much an ancient social media channel, but it is one of the most used websites in the world. Facebook ads for contractors are the least expensive way to advertise. Following the simple targeting method mentioned in this article can help you bloom your business. 

Facebook ads for contractors: basic tips

Some basic tips you need to keep in mind while making ads for Facebook are:

  • Regular posting: Facebook makes it easier for users to use and it is cost-effective. The process is a lot like creating regular Facebook posts.
  • Setting up: All the important elements must be set up on your Facebook business page.
  • Creating ads: learning how to create a great ad that may or may not consist of client testimonials.
  • Research: do your research and understand customers’ interests to target ads.

Types of Facebook ads for contractors

To create an effective ad, you must know which type of ad works best for you and 

  • Banner ads: This is a rectangular ad that comes when you are viewing a newsfeed and is the standard ad when viewing Facebook.
  • Lead ads: are great for contractors who have an outdated website because the contractor cannot capture the right information from the Facebook newsfeed. This type of ad has a sign-up or book-now button. They immediately ask for names, emails, and phone numbers. Lead ads are famous because they are already pre-populated.
  • Carousel ads: As static ads can be boring, adding a video or other type of dynamic visual might be good for attracting the public eye. It offers several images at once, which allows it to tell a story.
  • Video ads: videos are the most engaging and recommended ad style. If you can put all of your service or product summary in a short video, you might be ahead of your competitors. Once you start your Facebook ad, you can invest in something better for you.

Targeting the correct audience 

Most people find this task more difficult, but finding an audience is the easy part.

As a contractor, you are limited by geography. In simple terms, you could only book jobs and get work within a limited territory making it an easier task.

You do not need to stress yourself with the interest targeting, use a combination of addresses and zip codes. Be assured that the ads are not seen by homeowners or are not on a budget because they target the correct audience for you. You can reduce wasted ad spending a little bit so by having a well-crafted Facebook page, you can get your message across to viewers and turn new contractors to your service.


 To learn more about Facebook ads visit Blogrator. To transform your business, so implement Facebook ads for contractors.